Mr Ducky and Mr Caganer!!!!
Mr Ducky is a yellow duck toy, rattle for baby, made in London, fed up of being shaken by baby Timeo.
Mr Caganer is from Catalonia. In Catalonia, traditional Christmas decorations consist of a large model of the city of Bethlehem, similar to the Nativity scenes of the English-speaking world but encompassing the entire city rather than just the typical manger scene. Accompanying Mary, Joseph, Jesus, the Shepherds, the caganer is often tucked away in a corner of the model, typically nowhere near the manger scene. There is a good reason for his obscure position in the display, for "caganer" translates from Catalan to English as "pooper", and that is exactly what this little statue is doing — defecating. Mr Caganer has decided to test toilet facilities around the world.
They have decided to accompany us on the trip, they also want to see the world… We will take picture of our two mascots in pretty corners of the planet and will keep you informed of their peregrinations...
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