The morning is busy for Fab who goes to visit one of the finest caves temples, in Dambulla while I decide to chill out and spend some time with the bride to be and friends at the swimming pool, we chat and do manicures and pedicures under the sun! Sandra is very relaxed for somebody who is getting married in a few hours, I am impressed!
Fab enjoyed his morning, he thought the temples, in 5 caves, full of sitting and standing buddhas were inspiring and outstanding. He loved the mural paintings of scenes from the buddha's life and the solemnity of the place. We all meet around 12ish and go for lunch, a nice moment. Fab is Bertrand's best man so he gets ready with him in our villa while I stay with Sandra and her cousin to prepare the bride, make up, hair, dress, hard with the heat!!Sandra looks amazing, we all feel quite emotional but it is already time for them to meet to do their wedding piccies. A bit of a rushed time for Fab as he is also the wedding photographer!!!
All the guests gather around 4pm, we are then taken to an idyllic spot near the lake by dancers to wait for ther couple. They arrived led by an elephant, on a buffalo carriage, impressive!!!
The ceremony is a mix of traditional Sri Lankan rituals (prayer, tieing the fingers together, cutting a coconut shell) and more Western elements (readings, flute, music). After this special moment, we all share some drinks, looking at the lake and the sunset, such a wonderful location!!
The diner is then served in a fantastic wooden house, with hundred of lanterns, multicolored lihting the path, very magical. It reminds me of Hoi An, it feels surreal and so beautiful. The evening is nice, diner is traditional Sri Lankan food, we dance on 80s music and some even finish in the pool fairly late!! So nice to be with our friends to share their special moment here, in a superb and wonderful place.A truly unique experience and a memorable wedding!
Fab enjoyed his morning, he thought the temples, in 5 caves, full of sitting and standing buddhas were inspiring and outstanding. He loved the mural paintings of scenes from the buddha's life and the solemnity of the place. We all meet around 12ish and go for lunch, a nice moment. Fab is Bertrand's best man so he gets ready with him in our villa while I stay with Sandra and her cousin to prepare the bride, make up, hair, dress, hard with the heat!!Sandra looks amazing, we all feel quite emotional but it is already time for them to meet to do their wedding piccies. A bit of a rushed time for Fab as he is also the wedding photographer!!!
All the guests gather around 4pm, we are then taken to an idyllic spot near the lake by dancers to wait for ther couple. They arrived led by an elephant, on a buffalo carriage, impressive!!!
The ceremony is a mix of traditional Sri Lankan rituals (prayer, tieing the fingers together, cutting a coconut shell) and more Western elements (readings, flute, music). After this special moment, we all share some drinks, looking at the lake and the sunset, such a wonderful location!!
The diner is then served in a fantastic wooden house, with hundred of lanterns, multicolored lihting the path, very magical. It reminds me of Hoi An, it feels surreal and so beautiful. The evening is nice, diner is traditional Sri Lankan food, we dance on 80s music and some even finish in the pool fairly late!! So nice to be with our friends to share their special moment here, in a superb and wonderful place.A truly unique experience and a memorable wedding!
Great to see the photos - what a fantastic setting, really beautiful!
I love the wall paintings in Dambulla as well.
Love Mandy xx
bonjour , je suis la cousine de Ben et Sandra , je suis votre périple depuis le début ....bravo !
je voudrais vous remercier de me faire partager les photos de ce moment magique que j'ai raté ...
merci mille fois et bonne route !
continuer de nous faire rêver dans un voyage immobile (pour moi)
christelle de la Quinta
Coucou les chéris,
Vous féliciterez Sandra et Bertrand et leur souhaiterez beaucoup de bonheur de ma part. Vous devez être encore ensemble si ma mémoire est bonne.
C'est surréaliste de vous voir habillés comme des princes au bord de l'eau à côté d'un éléphant !
Profitez bien de ses moments entre amis.
Je vous fais pleins de bisous.
Je suppose que vous etes sur le sol indien, ou sur le point d'y arriver.
On espere que la fin de votre sejour s'est bien passee et que les batteries sont rechargees pour les 2 mois a venir. Pas de doute que tout se passera bien la-bas.
Tres decus de vous avoir manques la semaine derniere. Nous tacherons de nous rattraper a Londres ou a Lausanne.
Ravis d'avoir enfin fait votre connaissance !
Bonne continuation, et continuez de nous faire tous rever.
Marie et Xa
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