...a baby from Ladakh!
There are touch-points in life which entreats us to change and grow, to mature, to take responsibility, to be happy as a person, a couple...this trip has been a major one for us...as is... this pregnancy!
Some things will stay embedded in our hearts and minds forever – the many extraordinary sceneries, the laughters, the adventures, the vibrant cultures, but there will always be a special place, somewhere in India, far far up North....some snowy summits magnified by the crystal-clear sunshine, arid plains interspersed with a moonscape of deep gorges and an aura of greatness...a little clandestine decided to come back with us from Ladakh and take us on another journey. Parenthood!!!
One that hopefully will help us listen to ourselves, enrich our lives with a sense of connection where communication can happen in silence or through physical contact. One that compels us to defocus and let go, to live for the experience and to expand our horizons in all sorts of directions...
Conceiving, carrying during those long months a baby, seeing it coming to life is probably one of the most profound and beautiful adventures that can be lived...after this wonderful journey around the world.
Next stop: March, London when we will become three!
Buon anno a tutti e tre!
Gloria & Enzo
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